Flea Control
Fleas are small (1/16 to 1/8-inch), agile, usually dark colored, wingless insects with tube-like mouth parts adapted to feeding on the blood of their hosts. Their bodies are laterally compressed which permits easy movement through the hairs or feathers of the host's body. Their legs are long and the hind legs are well adapted for jumping 200 times their own body length, making the flea the best jumper of all animals for its small size! The flea body is hard, polished, and covered with many hairs and short spines directed backward which also allows for smooth passage through host hair. Its tough body is able to withstand great pressure, therefore it can survive scratching and even hard squeezing between the fingers is normally insufficient to kill a flea.
Flea infestations can be extremely difficult to control in a home. At Blue Star Pest Control we work together with our customers to develop the best way of addressing the flea infestation. Working together with us we can solve your problem. Blue Star Pest Control will implement a Flea control program to protect you and your family from these nasty creatures.
- Flea eggs can stay dormant for up to two years before latching.
- Fleas can jump up to 150 times the length of their bodies.
- A female Flea consumes 15 times its body weight in blood daily
- During the egg and pupa stages, fleas are naturally protected from insecticides, making it more difficult to treat an infestation.
- Fleas are attracted to animals by body heat, their movement and the carbon dioxide animals exhale.
- Adult fleas spend 90% of their lives feeding, mating, and laying eggs on pets.
- Trim lawns and weeds to create a drier unfavorable environment for flea larvae.
- Wash all pet bedding in hot water, or dispose of it if necessary.
- Have your pet treated by a Veterinarian on the same day we come out to treat your home, this will assist in the effectiveness of the flea treatment.
- Vacuum all floors and upholstery, including hard wood and tile floors. This will remove many flea larvae, pupae and adult fleas. Remove the vacuum bags and dispose of them outside of the house in a sealed plastic bag.
- Vacuum all floor surfaces and upholstered furniture. When completed, remove bag and discard outside. If you use a canister type of vacuum, line with a plastic bag. Repeat this procedure daily for 7 to 10 days after treatment. Vacuuming is extremely important as this will improve the effectiveness of the insecticide by stimulating un-hatched fleas to emerge from their protected pupae cases.
- Make sure all small objects, toys, plants, are removed from the carpeted areas so that a through treatment can be performed.
- Fish tanks MUST be turned off and covered, birds must be physically removed from the house. Not doing so can result in the death of the fish or birds.
- All pets and humans must evacuate the house and not return until all of the treated areas are completely dry. Drying time will depend on environmental conditions.
- Pet bedding should be removed and washed in hot water or disposed of. If laundering, wash pet bedding separately from other linens.
- Remember, all carpeted areas need to be treated, not just where the flea problem maybe, due to the eggs that will hatch after treatment.
- Control can be accomplished only if all problems areas are treated. Inside, outside, the pet(s) and also all vehicles that transport the pet(s)
- If needed, re-treatment can be performed based on the time frame requirements listed on each product label.
- It is normal to see some adult fleas for up to 3 weeks after a treatment. Flea pupae are protected from insecticides by their cocoons. They will continue emerging as adults over a period of 1-3 weeks. Once exposed to the insecticide residual though, they will be eliminated.
Flea infestations can be extremely difficult to control in a home. At Blue Star Pest Control we work together with our customers to develop the best way of addressing the flea infestation. Working together with us we can solve your problem. Blue Star Pest Control will implement a Flea control program to protect you and your family from these nasty creatures.